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Planning Board Minutes 06/13/05
                Minutes of the June13, 2005 Meeting of the Greenfield Planning Board

The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with members Carrara, Cernota, Halper, Marshall, O’Connell, and Rainier in attendance.  The Code Enforcement Officer was also present.  Minutes of May 23 were read and approved with the following changes:  On page 2, paragraph 4, the second sentence should read “Mrs. Mangini was notified that she owed $348.40 to the town for the site plan review and hearing.  The last paragraph on page 2, line five should be changed from “qualified survey” to “qualified surveyor”.

·       Bob passed out new Land Subdivision Regulations and the new NH Planning & Land Use Regulations.
·       Workshops & Books Catalog from Local Government Center.
·       Return of notice addressed to Hilda Parrott for her hearing.
·       Memo from Catherine concerning an explanation of the scanning function on the copier –  6/14.
·       Receipt for $407.34 from Mangini.
·       Selectmen’s minutes from 5/19, 5/26, and 6/02.
·       Invoices  for $35 for 5/23 Mangini hearing and $43.75 for PB case 05-1.

Discussion with Peter Hopkins
Peter said he has issued an additional two building permits.  The total for this year stands at 7 permits so far.  He gave us a heads up on the Life Safety Code and possible changes to sprinkler regulations.  He also told us that  White Pine Builders has finished the common driveway up to the house that is presently being built. A question was brought up about Class VI roads and having a preliminary conceptual consultation on a proposed subdivision with frontage on a Class VI road.  We decided that we could hold a consultation to advise if the subdivision looked like it would meet our regulations as long as it was understood that the road would have to be brought up to Class V standards and approved by the Selectmen.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with Deb Davison
At 7:30 p.m. Deb Davison and Glen Nutting came in to discuss a proposed minor subdivision of Lot R9-44 in the general residence district with frontage on Schoolhouse Road.  There are 7.2 acres with enough frontage for two lots. There is an existing house now and they can make changes to it as long as it meets back & side setbacks.  The railroad doesn’t split the lot but is an abutter.  The consultation ended at 7:40 p.m.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultations Scheduled for next meeting, June 27
Gene Mitchell came in with William Davidson from Meridien hoping to have a preliminary conceptual consultation at 9:00 p.m.  We had originally planned to have a hearing on an application from him on a major subdivision at that time, but the application was never brought in and therefore that time had been given to Lyris for a preliminary conceptual consultation.  The board realized that notice of the Lyris consultation had never been posted so Lyris is now scheduled for June 27 at 7:30 p.m. and Gene Mitchell is scheduled for 8:00 p.m. on June 27.

Parrott Proposed Subdivision Continuation
At 8 p.m. we met with Mr. Parrott and his surveyor who brought new plans with all the changes we had asked for previously.  Mr. Goodrich had changed some of the soils lines. After the site walk we had wondered if there was a potential for wetlands on lot 5 and were concerned about putting septic systems on the other lots.  We also thought that driveway access to the building sites on lots 2 & 3 may be a problem. After a short discussion, we decided that the question of wetlands was not an issue.  To cover the issue of soils types we could either request a high intensity soils survey or ask for a note stating that the soils on lots 2 & 3 may raise serious considerations for site development.  After much discussion it was moved that the board approve the proposed subdivision subject to the addition of a note that driveways must conform to regulations and a note that lots 2 & 3 may raise serious considerations for site development.  The vote to approve was unanimous.  The additional notes were added to the plans, and Bob and Jean signed the mylar and paper copies.

Miscellaneous Business
Gene Mitchell commented that he felt the board should talk to its lawyer about what we can require on a plat.  He also had questions about how close the rescue and fire equipment need to come to a structure.

Bob said an application has been received from Linda Ryan and a hearing on her proposed subdivision is scheduled for July 11 at  8 p.m.  The continuation of the Mangini site review is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. also on July 11.

John Halper asked each member how they were doing with the CIP Proposed Capital Project Preliminary Worksheet.  He would like to have them all returned by next week so that he can try to put some figures together for the June 27th meeting.

We were advised that the Conservation Commission is having a meeting on aquifer preservation.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.

Jean Cernota